Ways to Treat Periodontal (Gum) Disease

Feb 23, 2018

Periodontal gum disease is an extremely common condition in America, in fact, over 64,000,000 American adults suffer from some form of periodontal disease ranging from gingivitis to severe gum disease. Did you know that once periodontitis has advanced past gingivitis, it is also not reversible? Notice your gums are swollen, irritated or bleeding? We’d recommend contacting Dr. Teeth Dental Care in Katy today!

Treating Gingivitis in Katy

Gingivitis, the earliest stage of periodontitis is the only stage which can be reversed through professional dental treatments. We recommend a deep cleaning, where any plaque or bacteria build up from above and below the gum line can be thoroughly removed. Following your deep cleaning, we recommend routine dental exams and cleanings along with a proper at-home dental care routine.

Treating Mild Periodontal Disease

Once periodontal disease has advanced past gingivitis, it is known as “periodontitis.” At this stage, pockets in the gums begin to form. For mild periodontal disease we recommend scaling and root planing, which will allow us to remove any tartar buildup and smoothen the tooth roots so that the gums can re-attach and heal properly. Antibiotic treatment may also be recommended along with more frequent professional dental examinations and cleanings.

Treating Moderate Periodontal Gum Disease

When gum disease becomes more moderate, the gum pockets begin to deepen, gums will recede, and tooth root often becomes exposed. Along with scaling and root planing treatment, we may recommend antibiotic treatment which is placed directly into the gum pockets. Following treatment, frequent routine periodontal maintenance will be recommended so that your condition does not progress further and can be properly monitored.

Treating Severe Gum Disease

When periodontal diseases become severe, surgery is often required in addition to other periodontal treatments to repair the gums properly. At this stage in periodontitis, teeth are often extremely loose, and some may not be savable. In this event, partials, bridges, dentures and even dental implants may be recommended to prevent further dental complications.

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