
How Painful is a Tooth Extraction?

Jun 01, 2022

Tooth extraction in Katy, TX, is a routine procedure to remove damaged teeth, but it is done when necessary. The dentist will first consider other forms of treatment before settling on extraction because our primary goal is to preserve your natural teeth. However, the tooth extraction is necessary when:

  • Severely damaged teeth. Broken, cracked, and fractured teeth are often treated with veneers or crowns. But, if the crack or fracture spreads to the root of the teeth, an extraction may be done.
  • Tooth decay. If the tooth is decayed and cannot be treated with teeth filling or a root canal, tooth removal becomes the treatment of choice.
  • Impacted teeth. Teeth become impacted when you lack sufficient jawbone for them to emerge. Wisdom teeth are the most affected because they tend to come out after the jaw has attained maturity. The dentist will recommend a wisdom teeth removal in Katy to prevent complications.
  • Overcrowded teeth. If you have a smaller jaw that does not accommodate all the teeth, it causes them to become crowded. This can lead to misalignment and other oral health complications. The dentist will remove the extra teeth to make room for the alignment process.

Do Surgical Tooth Extractions Hurt?

Yes, the process of removing the teeth can be painful. However, our dentist in Katy will take the necessary precautions to reduce the pain. Based on the complexity of the extraction or comfort level, the dentist will use anesthesia to numb the gums at the site of extraction. The anesthesia does not completely remove sensations, and you may feel movement and pressure during the process.

Local anesthesia is used on simple extraction. If surgical extraction is done, dental sedation is used.

The dentist can use nitrous oxide or laughing gas that offers minimal sedation. Oral and IV sedation can also be used during the procedure. These two are known as conscious sedation because they do not cause you to sleep.

Deep or general anesthesia is used in special situations or complex dental procedures. It causes unconsciousness, and you will be asleep during the extraction. It takes time for the anesthesia to wear out, and the dentist will use medication to reduce the effects of the anesthesia.

What Does Tooth Extraction Procedure Involve?

Tooth removal can either be surgical or non-surgical, depending on the visibility of the teeth. A simple extraction is done on the teeth that lie above the gums. After numbing the anesthesia, the dentist will use an elevator to loosen the teeth and pull them with forceps.

Surgical tooth removal is done on teeth that lie beneath the gums. The dentist will make an incision in the gum to access the teeth. If there is a bone blocking it, he will remove it before pulling the teeth. Sometimes, the teeth are cut into small pieces for easy removal. The dentist may place sutures or stitches to close the wound and facilitate the healing.

How Long Does Tooth Extraction Recovery Take?

The extraction recovery depends on the type of procedure that was done. However, you can expect some bleeding in the first 24 hours after the tooth removal. Additionally, a blood clot will form on the socket to facilitate healing. Don’t disturb the blood clot because it causes dry sockets and can slow down the recovery process.

The pain and the soreness tend to decrease after day three of the removal process. Granulation tissue forms after about a week to protect the extraction site until new bone forms.

What are Teeth Removal Aftercare Tips?

The first 48 hours is when the most attention is needed, and here is what you can do:

  • Place gauze on the socket for a few hours to stop the bleeding and allow the clot to form.
  • Rest for the first 24 hours after the extraction and avoid strenuous activities
  • Elevate your head with a stuck of pillows when lying down
  • Avoid drinking beverages with a straw and spitting forcefully
  • Reduce swelling by applying an ice pack on the cheek for 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Eat soft foods and snacks that do not require chewing, and avoid nuts or hard candy.

Schedule an Appointment

Visit Dr. Teeth Dental Care for more information about tooth extraction and what you can expect.

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