Benefits of Dental Sealants

Aug 07, 2018

Our dental team is always looking for ways to further protect our patients’ smiles. Dental sealants are commonly used to help fight against cavities by preventing them from the start. They are an easy procedure without any pain. Continue reading to learn more about dental sealants and how they can benefit your smile.

What are dental sealants?

Dental sealants are made up of thin plastic film that is placed with the help of your dentist over each individual tooth. They are applied over the grooves and pits where bacteria can easily get caught in the back of the mouth that is hard to properly reach with a toothbrush. Dental sealants work as a barrier against tooth decay.

Who can benefit from dental sealants?

Dental sealants are commonly used for children with baby teeth and adolescents. However, adults can most definitely still benefit from dental sealants on their teeth. It is an effective way to avoid further costs and treatments in the future as they help to minimize the risk of fillings or decay later on.

How will I know if sealants are right for me?

Our dentist will provide an in-depth examination during your appointment that will help to determine if dental sealants are right for your smile. Your dentist may recommend sealants if you have a history of tooth decay. These appointments provide the perfect opportunity for individuals to ask our dental team any questions they have regarding treatment plans or issues they may be having.

For more information involving dental sealants and protecting your teeth, contact Dr. Teeth Dental Care in Katy. We are eager to help you protect your smile and feel more confident through the use of the many other cosmetic treatments we offer.

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